How to Become a Vegan in 2024? Best Tips & Benefits of Being Vegan


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How to Become a Vegan in 2024? Best Tips & Benefits of Being Vegan

As our world progresses, our values evolve, and more individuals are embracing lifestyles that harmonise with our Mother Earth. One significant trend is the growing adoption of a vegan lifestyle. 

Before delving into practicalities, it's crucial to understand what veganism entails and why it demands your attention. It's a lifestyle dedicated to minimising exploitation and cruelty towards animals in all aspects of life, extending beyond a vegan diet to encompass ethical choices in fashion, beauty, and daily living. 

At Hand N Yarns, we're passionate about promoting veganism through our exquisite vegan silk sarees of impeccable quality. If you're contemplating a shift towards a vegan lifestyle, this blog post will serve as your guide, shedding light on how to become a vegan in 2024.

Let's begin!

Why Go Vegan? 

The much-debated vegan trend has gained significant momentum in India. Vegan lifestyle choices extend beyond dietary preferences to encompass a holistic ethical stance wherein people prioritise values over convenience. 

By abstaining from animal products in all aspects of life, including clothing, food, and accessories, vegans aim to mitigate the adverse effects of industries notorious for pollution, resource depletion, and, most importantly, animal exploitation. 

Overall, the burgeoning vegan trend reflects a growing consciousness about ethical consumption and a desire to align personal choices with broader environmental and ethical concerns.

Know the Benefits of Being Vegan 

1. Ethical Considerations: For the Animals 

Individuals choose a vegan lifestyle rooted in compassion, guided by a deep-seated respect for the well-being of animals. Refusing to partake in the use of sentient beings for attire or any form of exploitation, vegans champion the intrinsic worth and entitlement to the life of all living creatures.

2. Environmental Sustainability: For the Planet 

With the livestock industry's environmental toll in focus, many are promoting a vegan lifestyle to advocate for sustainability. Shifting towards plant-based diets offers a reliable way to shrink personal ecological footprints and combat deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and water pollution.

3. Health and Wellness: For Personal Wellbeing 

Scientific research consistently highlights the perks of adopting a plant-based diet (vegan diet), inspiring individuals to live a vegan life for their health. By consuming vegan foods, people supply their bodies with vital nutrients while reducing the likelihood of chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, etc.

Overcoming Regular Obstacles in Vegan Lifestyle

1. Social Situations 

Social gatherings and eating out can be tricky. Don't hesitate to ask restaurants for vegan food options and bring a vegan dish to share.

2. Cravings and comfort foods

Find vegan alternatives to your favourite comfort foods. The market is booming with vegan food lists including - cheeses and even meat substitutes that taste very similar to their animal-based counterparts.

Best Tips on How to Become a Vegan 

1. Find Your Inspiration

Identify your reasons for wanting to go vegan. Whether it's for the animals, the planet, or your health, knowing your "why" will keep you motivated on your journey to a vegan lifestyle.

2. Educate Yourself

You know this famous quote in English: KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Firstly, read about the benefits of a vegan diet for your health and other crucial factors. Trending and most famous documentaries like "Cowspiracy" and "Forks over Knives" can be eye-opening for those who are looking to lead a vegan life.

3. Opt for a Gradual Transition

The next thing is that you don't have to switch overnight. Start by including more plant-based meals in your vegan diet, and also take time to explore more vegan food versions of your favourite dishes. There are numerous plant-based substitutes for nearly everything, from dairy to meat.

Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle is simpler than changing a diet, which can cause several withdrawal symptoms and potential depression. Real success depends on enduring this difficult phase; staying strong and pushing through is crucial to fully adopting veganism.

4. Plan Your Meals

To avoid feeling overwhelmed, plan your vegan meals ahead of time. Ensure they are properly balanced and include a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and seeds to meet your nutritional needs.

5. Practice Self-Compassion 

Be gentle with yourself throughout the transition. Remember that every vegan food you consume or every vegan fashion brand you support makes a positive impact, and on occasion, slip-ups are just part of the learning process.

6. Stay Persistent 

Forming new habits takes time, so don't give up if you face any hurdles along the way. Keep trying, and with patience and persistence, your mission to go vegan will become easier and more natural over time.

Bonus Tip - Support Vegan Brands & Vegan Products 

Giving your complete support to vegan brands and vegan products is not just a trend but a conscious decision that boosts a vegan lifestyle and takes this initiative to the next level. 

PETA-approved brands like Hand N Yarns are leading the way in the market by offering beautiful vegan sarees that combine traditional craftsmanship with modern, eco-friendly practices. 

Suggested Read: Guess what vegan silk means? Check out our blog post to get clarity on vegan silk and how it's made. Read now!

Real-Time Examples of How to Follow a Vegan Lifestyle 

Everyday choices also contribute to a vegan lifestyle.

1. Household products 

Opt for cruelty-free and eco-friendly cleaning vegan products. Many mainstream brands today offer vegan options.

2. Mindful Consumption 

Adopt a minimalist approach. Buy less, choose quality over quantity, and be conscious of your environmental footprint.

Understanding Vegan Fashion  

Beyond ethical considerations, vegan fashion is all about acknowledging the broader impact of the fashion industry on both animal welfare and the environment.

Vegan clothing encompasses garments and accessories crafted without harming animals or using animal-derived materials like silk, wool, etc.—materials traditionally prevalent in today's fashion industry. 

This positive surge in vegan fashion is not merely a passing trend, as it reflects a heightened consciousness surrounding animal welfare and the environmental repercussions of livestock farming. 

This movement also signifies a transition towards fashion choices rooted in ethics and eco-friendliness.

Suggested Read: Eager to delve deeper into the complexities of fast fashion and how vegan silk serves as a solution? Read our blog to explore more!

Future of Vegan Fashion

The future holds great promise for vegan fashion in India as consumer awareness and demand for ethical and sustainable products continue to rise. 

The industry is actively developing standards and guidelines to make sure that vegan clothing aligns with its principles. 

With rising consciousness about the environmental and ethical impacts of fashion choices, particularly among young generations, the market for vegan clothing is expected to expand significantly in the coming years.

Vegan Silk: Illustrating the Beauty of Vegan Clothing Among Women 

Indian sarees, esteemed for their elegance, now embrace eco-consciousness. Vegan silk sarees merge Indian tradition with sustainability, reflecting a global shift towards ethical fashion choices. But, it was a different scenario in years gone by.

Did you know? To produce 1 kilogram of standard silk, an estimated 6,600 silkworms are subjected to either gassing or being cooked alive. Unfortunately, these creatures do not survive the process.

The negative aspects of silk extend far beyond its impact on silkworms. In contrast to regular silk production, vegan silk conserves water, reduces the likelihood of water pollution, and decreases greenhouse gas emissions.

Most importantly, it's made without harming animals. Vegan silk ensures zero harm to silk-producing creatures, unlike peace silk, which still poses risks to moths even though they're allowed to break free from their cocoons.​

Advantages of Opting for Vegan Sarees 

Cruelty-Free Vegan Fashion 

Vegan silk sarees allow consumers to enjoy the beauty of South Indian traditional attire without compromising their ethical values. By opting for cruelty-free vegan fashion, individuals can easily contribute to the welfare of animals and demonstrate compassion in the modern fashion industry.

Reduces Carbon Footprint 

Compared to usual silk production, vegan saree production has a lower environmental impact. By using plant-based and man-made materials, vegan sarees help conserve natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Durability and Versatility 

Vegan sarees offer durability and versatility, making them suitable for various occasions and Indian climates. These lightweight and breathable plant-based fabrics retain the luxurious texture and sheen of silk while offering enhanced comfort for wearers along with longevity.

Also Read: Interested in expanding your understanding of vegan and plant-based fabrics? Explore our blog for valuable insights!

Where to Purchase the Best Vegan Sarees and Embrace Vegan Lifestyle?

Hand N Yarns is the best vegan silk boutique in Chennai, known for its beautiful and affordable vegan clothing offerings that seamlessly merge elegance with ethical values. Our philosophy revolves around embracing compassion while maintaining an impeccable style. 

Explore our meticulously curated collection, which features 100% cruelty-free vegan silk fabrics and sarees crafted to meet your vegan goals to the fullest. Explore our stunning range of vegan silk fabrics featuring Tussar, Mashru, Modal, Jute, and Silk Cotton

Each fabric from our collection delivers the opulent touch and graceful flow of conventional silk, all while advocating vegan principles and promoting animal welfare. 

Why wait? Enhance your vegan fashion in style with our diverse selection of vegan silk sarees, including Bandhani Silk, Organza Silk, Modal Silk, Muslin Silk, Tussar Silk, and Nine-Yard Silk Sarees

The Bottom Line 

Embracing a vegan lifestyle is a journey of compassion, health, and sustainability. It's about making choices that match your values and contribute to a better world. At Hand N Yarns, we're committed to supporting you on this journey with our range of vegan sarees. 

Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle may seem daunting in the initial stages, but with the right approach, it can be a seamless and emotionally rewarding experience. Start gradually, stay informed, and remember that every step you take is a solid step towards a greener planet. 

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Become a Vegan